Friday, November 6, 2009


No, not the '640x480' kind of resolution... I'm talking the 'camera repair issue' kind of resolution. That's right - London Drugs graciously stepped up today and replaced that lemon of an Olympus I was complaining about. Granted, they gave me another Olympus, but none the less I am very appreciative that they finally took my problem seriously. Last week I went back to them for the fourth time in ten months, with all the documentation and info about the multiple problems, including prints of the blue-and-red-vertical-stripe-covered photos it was taking. I was mostly rational as I explained my disappointment to the uninterested clerk, who then paged a manager, who then said to leave everything with him and he'd see what could be done. I actually left the store feeling like the effort was futile, and shortly afterwards I went and bought the Canon D10.
So you can imagine my surprise today when I received a phone call from the store - they hadn't heard back from Olympus yet, however they were willing to offer a replacement to me and then deal with the manufacturer themselves. WOOT WOOT!! Now THAT is what I consider customer service. And as a result, London Drugs is back on my list of acceptable places to shop... hee hee!
Moving right along... Seeing as how the new Olympus would mean I was going to be in possession of TWO waterproof/freezeproof cameras... and since the camera I have truly been eyeing up is the Panasonic GF1... I boxed up the D10 and all its parts, headed back to McBain Camera ( and traded 'er in on the GF1. I know, I know - WTF?? But now I think I honestly have the best of all the camera worlds - D-SLR, compact point'n'shoot, and the in-between micro four thirds. We leave in a few hours for Australia, and I'm taking one Pentax K20D body, a few lenses, and of course I'll be using the GF1 (with the 20mm f1.7) as much as possible on the trip. I am so excited to check it out!