Monday, November 8, 2010

Family Photo Fun

While I was on vacation recently, I nervously checked the EnviroCan forecast back in Red Deer every few days... Not because I was worried about thermal shocking my body or anything (power engineering term - sorry!! hee hee), but because I had a photo shoot scheduled with some very important peeps for the day I arrived home. And who really knows, anyway, when it comes to Alberta weather!? At this time of year, it can certainly go either way.

Turns out I had nothing to worry about! Sunday was a beautiful day - quite atypical for November, actually - and I had a fabulous time with Mona and Ron. They brought their poochies along, and their kids joined us as well. It was awesome!


Thanks again to Mona, Ron, Terry and Karen! I had a great afternoon and it was wonderful to see you all!
