Vintage. Antique. Retro. Aged. Old school. Whatever the effect is technically called, I am LOVING IT!!! Not that I don't love vibrant, crisp, full-colored shots... because I so do!!! It's just that I am finding there are some scenes which create much more drama and impact if they are subjected to some sort of filter.
These photos were all manipulated in PhotoShop CS5 by using various actions. It is simple to create actions (or even download pre-built ones off the web). Actions are like macros - you record a series of editing steps and save them so they can be used again and again. Actions are major timesavers and are wicked fun!
Yes I know, of course I need to be more diligent with my camera itself - I should be utilizing physical lens filters as well as the in-camera filter settings... tsk tsk... or perhaps some of you are thinking that I should even roll back to using a film SLR and learn some true developing techniques...?! Until that happens however, I'm having a blast with my digital photo editing software! Stay tuned for my next experiment... with 'Lomo'!