Last night was my first shift back after two weeks off... it's always a killer, that first one - my attention span is non-existent and my body gets seriously confused when I make it stay awake all night. But I survived, and now the countdown starts over again until the next stretch of playtime.
Instead of being a responsible shift-worker and napping yesterday afternoon, I stopped in at the local camera store, I couldn't help myself, and guess what? July is PENTAX MONTH. Meaning everything Pentax is ON SALE. How's my luck?! I'm not sure how it happens but I usually end up spending hours in there. Never in vain, however! My excursion landed me a LowePro camera/notebook backpack. I've been eyeing them up for a while now and I finally decided on the Compu Trekker AW. Holds my laptop, two bodies, 4-5 lenses, plus it has an all-weather cover built-in, which is a neat feature. It's not completely waterproof and it doesn't float, like the Dryzone models, but it is practical and sturdy. Maybe after I sleep today I'll re-organize my gear into it.
Speaking of which, I'm feeling mega-drowsy. I'd best go crawl in before I get my second wind.
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