Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm definitely not getting out with my camera nearly as much as I need to. I can feel it. I'm anxious. I want there to be some sort of event I can attend - a kid's birthday, a baseball game, anything... I've been working fairly steady for the past two weeks, so all I've really been able to do is come home every day and have a quick glance at my gear, have a bite to eat, get ready for bed - and then remind myself that I'm not taking enough pictures! D'OH!
I went to a few fantastic workshops last summer, hosted at the Banff Centre for Conferences (the schedule can be found on this website: At one in particular, the instructor made a comment that a person should take at least two dozen photos EVERY DAY. They don't necessarily have to be amazing content. The important part is to stay in touch with your camera - and I've been neglecting mine, big time. Sorry buddy!
However, next week I'm heading to Vancouver Island for Windfest 2008, at Nitinat Lake. I'm looking forward to 6 days of kitesurfing and (more importantly!) photographing other participants. My K20D likely won't be out of my hands for more than a few hours at a time; I can hardly wait!
On that note, I do have a bit of the afternoon left before I have to leave for work. So I think I'll go re-aquaint myself with my camera gear!

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