...and use just this one lens, for an entire day. Now, I'm not talking an 18-250mm... because I'm sure we could all survive (if we really had to!) with a standard walk-around lens alone... I mean choose a macro, or a fisheye, or a super long telephoto... the type of lens that is usually reserved for quite specific subjects and/or events. I've read of this before, in a 'tips and tricks' section of one of the magazines I subscribe to, and this week I finally tried it. My project, so to speak, was to spend the day with my Lensbaby 2.0 (http://lensbaby.ca/), and what a project it was. The focal length is about 50mm, and the aperture is fixed according to which disc is used - making the shutter speed completely my responsibility. Add into the mix the fact that I particularly enjoy photographing my friends while they are engaged in some sort of sporting activity... and you have a very interesting day of picture taking! It took a few tries to gage the distances I needed to frame things properly, and moving back and forth from shade to sun resulted in two or three practice images each time to achieve the right exposure. Overall, it was quite a bit of fun, and in the end I came up with a few really neat pics. You should try it sometime!