So, truth be told, I had set my sights on the Nikon D700 and three pieces of Nikkor's most excellent glass. I even sold one K20D body and a couple of lenses to help 'supplement' the purchase. The D700 is built like a tank, has HD video capability, super-fast autofocus, superior image quality at high ISO, plus it has a full-frame sensor. What's not to love about the D700??! Then came the pricing out of the new Nikon kit... even after checking costs from dealers in the U.S., I had to stop the insanity and make myself take a serious step back.
I was looking at shelling out about.... mmmm.... well let's say SEVERAL plane tickets' worth of dollars (I love to travel and tend to measure things in how many places I could go for the cost of whatever it is I'm buying!), not to mention I'd end up with only about 1/3 of the kit I have presently. No fisheye. No Lensbaby. No macro. No battery pack. No flash. No remote. No back-up body. I'd be pared down to the boring (albeit wonderful!) basics. Plus the body and one lens alone would take up most of the room and weight in any backpack I wanted to carry somewhere.
And... when it comes to the APS-C vs full-frame sized sensors... my dream has always been to own a digital-backed, medium format camera. I drool over the Mamiyas and Hasselblads in all the ads in the magazines. So would it truly, honestly make sense for me... amateur photog, doing this mostly as a hobby, totally happy with the results I'm getting from my fully-stocked Pentax bag... to drop such serious coin on gear that is only a moderate step above what I already have, especially considering the size and weight of the current full-framers? After some soul-searching, I had to answer 'no' to that question. If I'm ever eventually going to go big, I'm going to go really big. As in 645 Pro big. **SIGH**
Anyway, over the weeks or months or however long this dilemna has been consuming me, I've repeatedly read about and have been very drawn to Pentax's freakishly small, light, highly-revered and understated K7... still an APS-C... but one that has HD video, a faster autofocus, improved high ISO quality, in-camera image stabilization, and is weatherproof to boot (rated to -10C!). The fast AF is a huge plus - it's one of the things I thought was lacking in my K20D - and video capability was the other option I thought I should have. Also - and I'm stating the obvious here - all of the Pentax peripherals I own would work just fine with the K7. Hence, for about a fifth of the cost of the Nikon starter pack, I could to buy the Pentax K7 and round out my stash quite nicely.
So... buy a K7 I did!! Oh happy day!! As well, I splurged and bought the Pentax DA 16-50mm f/2.8 lens... a stellar purchase, if I do say so myself. I was able to get out with my new toys yesterday and took over 200 pics. Here are some photos:

In summary, if money was no object, I'd be all over Nikon, yes indeed!! But in reality, I am not doing this for a living, so I simply can't justify the cost of abandoning the exceptional system I'm already using. After all is said and done, I am remaining... a Pentaxian!
very logical, although very complicated sorting of information,, makes me tired just reading your description of your reasoning,,enjoy your new purchases, I am sure they will serve you well,,,cheerio,,dunkster,,
Hi Dad!
Basically, I'm a camera nerd. I probably didn't really NEED a new camera... but it's fun to get new stuff!! Hee hee!
Love Cheryle
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